Sabbath Rest 

By: Greg Mohr

March 2023

The life of faith is supposed to have a rest about it. Hebrews 4:3 says, “For we who have believed do enter that rest” (NKJV). The Bible also clearly states that God Himself worked for six days and then rested on the seventh day (Gen. 1:31–2:2). He didn’t stop because He was tired. He paused on the seventh day (Sabbath) to enjoy the fruits of His labor—His creation. A great analogy to this is an artist who rests from his painting when he is finished because nothing else can be added. 

That is why God instituted the Sabbath for us—so we would stop to enjoy His creation and the fruits of our labor. Yet we get so busy trying to make things happen and keep things going that we justify not resting. Our focus is constantly on what remains to be done or the next project, and we rarely stop to enjoy what we have accomplished. Many take on the underlying attitude that everything depends on us.

Let me share two important realities with you: 

1) None of us are indispensable. 

2) Failure to rest is a failure to trust God. 

I am not the Savior, and neither are you if you haven’t noticed. Life functioned adequately before you and I came on the scene, and it will function very well after we leave. However, we will enjoy the life God has given us and the duties He has called us to accomplish for a longer period of time, with much greater fulfillment, when we yield to His command to enter into His rest. Failing to do that is a failure to trust God. 

There are four things I have learned over the years that have helped me to enter into God’s rest: 

1) Put the Word to work in your life (Heb. 4:12)—Plant the Word, speak the Word, and act on the Word. Then trust God with the results. With that attitude of trust and confidence in His Word working in your life, you will literally sit back and watch it grow and bear fruit in your life. 

2) Come to Jesus (Matt. 11:28–30)—Give your cares and burdens to Him regularly. He will sustain you, help you, and bless you. Come to the end of yourself and come to Him. 

3) Praying in the Spirit (Is. 28:11–12)—There is something about praying in the Spirit that helps us disconnect from the worries and concerns of our minds and connect with the Lord and hear His voice more clearly. 

4) Schedule a regular Sabbath (Ex. 16:23)—Take regular times off from work to enjoy the fruits of your labor, enjoy life, and enjoy your family. Stop to focus on what you have been able to accomplish by God’s grace instead of focusing on what is left to do.