Such a time as this

By: Steve Cassell

November 2022

Hello, precious friends and AWM partners! What a glorious time we are living in. I have expressed incessantly to the folks who I have been honored to minister to lately that this statement in  Esther 4:13–14 has become more real and relevant to me than ever before:   

Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not think to yourself that in the king’s palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”  

Esther 4:13–14 (English Standard Version)

This historic, governmental encounter has incredible parallels to our situations today. Esther and Mordecai were an oppressed group of people (American Christians and conservative patriots in America today) who were discussing how to engage those tyrannical government leaders in a way that would bring liberty to their people. You can see that the elder leader, Mordecai, had to challenge the self-preservation that was in Esther in order to advance the plans of God. Esther’s self-centeredness almost damned the nation to continued slavery and great loss of life—a very relatable position for Christians in today’s world. Many believers and Christian leaders have been so focused on their ten-foot circle that they have lost their awareness of the Great Commission. One of the powerful, challenging points that changed the entire conversation (and the salvation of the whole nation) was the divine statement, “for such a time as this.”  

 Who is to say that you are not here, partnered with this message and move of God, for such a time as this?  

 Our American Revolution general and founding father, the most influential person ever in our nation, made a powerful statement that radically affects me, and I pray it does you as well:  

 While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian. 

— President George Washington  

 My personal paraphrase of this powerful and challenging statement is this: “There is no way to be a passionate American patriot without being a passionate Christian. And there is no way to be a passionate American Christian without being a passionate patriot.”  

 I know that statement is radical and potentially offensive, but it is directly in line with President Washington’s world-changing heart. My fight against the tyranny of our day was inspired by my first love, Jesus Christ and His bride (the Church), and secondly, my love for this great republic founded by godly people for godly purposes (see the Mayflower Compact). Because our cause is noble and our fight is righteous, we have eternal promises that guarantee we will prevail victoriously! But there are many more freedoms and liberties that must be defended and even re-acquired for families, our churches, and our neighbors.  

 The foundations of our nation are essential and cry out for another Great Awakening. Working together, we can be a ringing of the “Liberty Bell” for that movement—with the pure power of grace conjoined fittingly with the strength of faith. Just as grace and faith need to partner together to see the promises of God realized in a believer’s life, so also there are two activities every Christian leader should be engaged in and/or support. These two are vital for our neighbors, nation, and culture: 

  1. The Kingdom of God, ruled by King Jesus, executed by His people through the Ekklesia (Church) 
  2. The Republic of the United States of America, ruled by the Constitution and executed by “We the people”  

 I consider it a monumental honor to serve my King, this great republic, and you!  

  In great love and honor,  

Steve Cassell